Game Development Course Offering

Invest in KSA’s education sector by offering post-secondary education in gaming


رأس المال البشري والابتكار
تحميل الفرصة

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أبرز معالم الاستثمار

  • As Saudi localizes its gaming value chain, a good quality TVET offering focused on game development can be a key enabler
  • National Gaming and eSports Strategy has set ambitious targets for the industry in KSA
  • ~1B USD revenue of the gaming industry in KSA in 2020
  • 50B SAR GDP Contribution in 2030
  • 200% target ROI in gaming
  • 3rd: Target global rank for gaming consumption as a % of nominal GDP
  • Several educational initiatives are already underway to develop human capital in KSA such as School of Gaming and Saudi eSports Academy

المزيد من رأس المال البشري والابتكار الفرص